This is How the Birth of Josiah Carter Came About
I love hearing birth stories. Maybe it's because I'm a midwife, maybe because I love babies. So that's partly why I write my story down. For those that like them as much as I do. But also for me. Because I say now I'll remember every detail forever, but let's face it, none of us have that great of memories.
It All Started at 29 Weeks
I'd say his birth story really starts back at around 29 weeks. I had just put the kids down for bed and went and layed on the couch downstairs watching TV while Bryce played video games for his weekly Saturday night friend video game night. I had noticed some contractions, but that isn't terribly unusual for me since I usually start having contractions at around 13 weeks. But these were more painful than I remembered them being this early and more often. We went to bed around 10 and they were happening pretty frequently so I timed them around 2-5 minutes apart. I decided to go and get checked out. Turned out I had a bacterial infection (similar to yeast, but bacteria instead) and it's known to cause preterm contractions. I stayed and was monitored for a few hours and made a tiny bit of cervical change but my contractions had slowed down so we felt ok going home with antibiotics. While taking the antibiotics I didn't have many contractions but as soon as I stopped they picked back up. I was rechecked for the infection at my OB appointment and seemed I either got it again or it never went away. So I went on another 7-day course of antibiotics. Same thing. Decreased while on it, and picked back up when I was done. I was checked again at the next appointment - and STILL had it. My doctor recommended I use a different antibiotic but after some research, it seemed that antibiotic increased the risk of preterm birth and I really hate being on antibiotics so I decided to wait it out. At 35 weeks I had a couple of nights of consecutive hours of contractions that were pretty painful. My cervical exam showed I was dilating some so we decided to do the antibiotics anyways. At 36 weeks I had made a little more cervical change and still was having a lot of contractions. My doctor wanted me to have complete pelvic rest and while not on bed rest - basically to not do anything. My mom decided to come early to help out so I could abide by the rest orders and also to watch the kids if I DID go into labor. She came on Tuesday, May 3rd. On Tuesday and Wednesday, with rest, I had basically no contractions. It was remarkable. Even at night when I normally would have the most, I had none. Amazing was rest can do!
The Last Day
My last clinic day was May 5th, and thankfully it was virtual so I could sit in my comfy office chair at home. I was secretly hoping to go into labor before Thursday so I wouldn't have to do my clinic, but I guess those patients really needed me. By time Thursday came I was ok with the thought I'd wait another week for babe to come. My very last scheduled thing was Friday morning (May 6th), as I was supposed to perform 2 new pregnancy ultrasounds. I had come to terms with completing these and was looking forward to them, since it's always so exciting when my patients conceive.
Clinic went pretty well, notably I had had contractions for most of my clinic, which I thought was odd since I was literally just sitting in a chair doing nothing, and because I hadn't had any really for the past couple of days. I was just wrapping up my clinic notes and Bryce texted me and said, "could you please come upstairs, your mom is making dinner and I feel terrible." Apparantly, he had felt like throwing up for the last couple of hours and had been having a pretty bad headache most the day. I released him to go upstairs where he stayed the rest of the night. Mom and I finished up the day with the kids, you know, dinner, baths, keeping them alive..etc. I didn't have many contractions during those few hours but started noticing more again around 8pm. I remember thinking when I went to check on Bryce and seeing how awful he looked, how it would be a terrible night to go into labor. By 9pm, praise the Lord, Bryce turned a corner and started to feel much better. It was around 9 that I started to notice the contractions were more painful, definately not just braxton hicks, although I was used to having these as well. It wasn't much later Bryce said, "well hopefully I sleep well! I just took 2 sleeping pills." Normally Bryce only takes 1 sleeping pill, but he really wanted to just go to sleep and forget about feeling bad. I looked at him and said, "well hopefully I don't go into labor, I've had some painful contractions." He replied, "you couldn't have told me BEFORE I took my sleeping pills?!" "I didn't know you were going to take 2!" I replied. We shrugged it off, and he went to sleep. I wasn't feeling super tired and didn't try going to sleep until around 10. I had been having contractions from 9-10 but they didn't stand out to me too much. But when I tried to go sleep the contractions kept waking me up. I decided I should time them, so from 10-11pm they were about 3 minutes apart. At 11 they were getting a little more painful and I was trying to decide if I should wake Bryce up. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and he asked if I was ok. I responded, "ya, I'm just trying to decide if we should go to the hospital, I've been having contractions 3 minutes apart for the last hour." He sat up pretty quick and was like, "uhh, yeah we probably should." I still don't know how he stayed as awake as he did durig the night having taken 2 sleeping pills, probably adrenaline, but he was ready to go.
It's D-Day!
We already had the truck packed with everything but our toiletrees so we got packed up pretty quickly and headed out. We got to our triage room to be checked at 12:02am and Bryce commented on how I made it to 37 weeks and 1 day. When we told our nurse she said it was perfect, that 37 weeks on the dot might have seemed too suspicious that I had brought it on, but 37 and 1 was less likely. We laughed at that. They checked me and I was 5cm so they said I could be admitted (yay!). They got me over and admitted to L&D super quickly and I told them my plan that I wanted an epidural and my water broke. Everyone was commenting on how I was handling my contractions so well, especially for being 5cm. Truly they weren't very painful at that point, quite unlike when I went to the hospital with my other 2. Now noteworthy to the story later, is that the only clock in the room was above my head - so I didn't know what time it was during any of the following events.
I called my old nanny when we were admitted and she went to our house so my mom could come to the hospital. She was present at Annalise's birth, but COVID protocols didn't allow her to be present for Leeland's birth. It seemed like it took FOREVER for my epidural, as the anesthesiologist was in another room, but I finally got my epidural at 1:45am (I had to look it up in the computer after his birth because I truly didn't know). By time I got my epidural my contractions were much more painful and I felt VERY ready for it. I then felt like it took forever for my epidural to really take and numb everything. I was getting impatient but finally I felt like it was good enough I could have them come in to break my water. I had my water broke at 2:39am and was still only 5cm. With Leeland this was about the same but I went from 6cm to complete within 2 contractions after my water was broken. I expected similar with this one, but it was not the case. It was about this time my doctor got there. She was the sweetest and told me she'd be at my birth even if she wasn't on call, and at 3:00am she came in!
I had a great contraction pattern for a little while but then about 3:30 my contractions basically totally stopped. I started getting worried, because I felt like it was all taking forever. Again I had NO idea what time it was, it just seemed like we'd been there for an eternity. I asked if they would start Pitocin because I didn't want to be there all night. The nurse was setting up the pitocin and I had a contraction with a ton of rectal pressure and I told her. Another contraction a few minutes later had even more pressure. I told the nurse and she said, "ok are you just telling me as an FYI or do you want me to check." I said she'd better check. She checked and I was complete and that he was really really low. She walked out to get the doctor and I was having continuous pressure. I was seriously thinking he might just come out on his own. They came in, gowned up, and at 3:40 I was going to do one push to see how things went. He went almost to crowning with that push and with the next contraction I pushed 2 times and then a series of little pushes and he was born. I heard the nurse say, "time of birth 3:45" and I actually laughed out loud. I was thinking everything was taking forever when in all reality it had only been 3 hours and 45 minutes since we arrived! I am still shocked I only pushed 3 times since I pushed for an hour with Annalise and 45 minutes with Leeland.
We had a wonderful golden hour with snuggles and he ate really well. At around 5:00am they were getting us ready to head over to postpartum and Josiah's temp was low. They recommended he go to newborn nursery to be warmed for a few hours. I thought about arguing that skin to skin is actually better for warming and transition but my nurse encourage Bryce and I to go to our rooms and sleep while he was being cared for. Excellent advice. I did feel a little bad to leave him but also felt way more capable of taking care of him after a few hours of sleep. We had an uneventful rest of our stay at the hospital and couldn't wait to get home to show the kids their new brother.
Recovery and Infections
I've been super surprised how interested Leeland has been in Josiah. I knew Annalise would be sweet and want to be involved, but Leeland has been quite gentle (most of the time), giving kisses, pats and head rubs. It's so sweet to see! I can't wait for them to be best buds.
My recovery was going stellar until last Thursday when I started having loose stools. Things got pretty intense Friday and it was really painful. We went to ER and they confirmed I was not dying. Horray. Probably postpartum changes (which I knew was not the case), come back if it gets worse. By Sunday I was miserable and texted my doctor (shout out to my amazing doctor for letting me text her on the weekend and taking care of me, praying for me and encouraging me) and she ordered stool cultures. Yesterday I got the results back and it turns out I have C-Difficile. If you don't know what it is, just know it's awful, and if you know, then you know how bad it is. Unfortunately, being on antibiotics, especially the last one I did, presdisposes you to the infection. And then I likely picked it up from the hospital as that's the most likely place to get it. Thankfully, it's rare for healthy people to become infected so I don't have to worry too much about the rest of the family getting sick. I started on antibiotics yesterday and online it says most people feel better about 2 weeks after starting antibiotics (insert face of dispair here). Also, about 1 in 6 individuals will have a relapse within 1-3 weeks after feeling better, so I have a feeling this might be my summer demon. It's been a tough week, physically and emotionally, but I'm so greatful I've been surrounded by people (you know who you are!) who have uplifted me in prayer and encouragement. For my mother-in-law being here this week to take care of my older kids and for my amazing husband for supporting me and laying with me in bed when I just felt too awful. There have been lots of tears, but I'm so thankful that I serve a God who is a comforter and healer and bigger than statistics!
The big positive to feeling awful and wanting to just lay in bed is that I've gotten WAY more newborn baby snuggles with Josiah then I've gotten with my other kids. I can't complain about those. Josiah is sleeping pretty well, as well as a newborn can be expected to sleep at this point. I weighed him at home a few days ago and he's gaining weight well. He has his 2 week visit tomorrow. Truly it's crazy that it's been 2 weeks already!
If you made it to the end of my story then thank you for reading all the way through! Whew! I always write so much more than I think I will. And now I need a nap.
And some cute pictures.